Advanced technology is at the core of all modern military operations. To deploy these new and innovative systems, armed forces must invest heavily in the training of personnel. In the search for more efficient ways to control this equipment, the military has turned to computer gaming for solutions.

Video games have become more popular than ever over the last two decades. In total revenue, the video games industry is now larger than Hollywood, and this form of entertainment has been embraced by millions around the world. There are now entire generations of young people who have grown up with a game controller in their hands. As a result, these young people have an instinctive understanding of complex human-machine interfaces (HMI). These same young people cannot remember a time without the internet, smartphones or wireless broadband. These are the “digitally native” generations.
The military has taken advantage of this familiarity. They can recruit young people who understand technology to the very core of their being. By using HMI that have more to do with games than traditional equipment, the military has been able to use recruits’ instinctive skill. In this way, they can embrace expertise that simply does not need to be taught.
This familiarity has been applied to a whole range of military equipment, from airborne drones to bomb disposal robots. The use of gaming-style HMI has reduced the learning curve needed to employ high technology systems and increased the speed with which new innovations can be deployed in the field.
APEM manufactures a range of HMI devices for military applications that combine the familiarity of computer games with the robust design needed for deployment into field operations.