How can we remain insensitive to the tragedy that took place in early February in Turkey and Syria? How can we not want to help all the families affected by these large-scale earthquakes?

APEM is an international group, with multicultural teams, and also relies on a worldwide network of distributors. With the support of our local distributor in Turkey, with whom we have built strong ties over the years, we decided to act. A collection has been made in each APEM subsidiary in the world. To show its commitment to people, APEM doubled the funds collected from employees. Piggy banks, cake sales… each subsidiary was organized to collect a maximum of funds.

After a few days of collection, we were happy to give a donation to the care association ASIL, for some quick help to the local population.

APEM will never stand still in the face of such tragedies. It is our human and social responsibility, without which our group would be an empty and soulless entity. APEM was built on the perseverance and talent of men and women. It is our duty to protect what is most precious to us: people.